Monday, 26 November 2012

Get fit for Christmas Challenge!

Happy Monday Everyone!
Isn't uncanny how every time you plan a new fitness regime/healthy lifestyle, it becomes all very exciting in your head and you're going to fly through those workouts that make all others tremble and practically jump into that child-size bodycon dress come Christmas! However that all goes poof when it comes to flinging yourself around a room like a bat out of hell in some kind of desperate attempt to follow some ranting aerobics instructor. If you are one of those regular gym bunnies and have never seen such a sight, allow me to introduce you to what a "work in progress" case looks like (please see pre-collapse snap above).

That been said, if you can make it past this point (and there are some hysterical moments to help you get through it) this whole dvd workout-get fit plan works out to be quite fun, mainly because the endorphins conveniently kick in during the last circuit. Near exercise extinction aside, you're left with a nice smug little glow for the rest of the day. Also if I can do it, let's face it, truly anyone can. My workout of choice to make it into the eye-wateringly pricey christmas party dress by my b'day on the 23rd Dec-Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. This has 4 different levels that you build up after a week doing each one-it will kick your arse in no uncertain terms, however it is amazing for boosting fitness levels and you really do feel great afterwards! Definitely one for those traditional workout lovers who want a great workout, although it might not be your cup of tea if you're more of an alternative exercise/dancey/zumba kind of person. Give it a whirl you never know until you try. Anyone else got any get fit for Christmas plans/tips-I'm all ears!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

General life/career changing decision-Just a usual week really

Hello everyone! 

It has been a ridiculous 9 months since my last pancake-packed post and as much I feel like I should have a worthy excuse such as a move, new baby, new job, general massive lifestyle change, really it's just because I've had a few experiences followed by a revelation and return to full circle! 

Life in general, back in February revolved around mostly eating, this blog and my little blue wall (decorating my room to look like a beach [who doesn't like a simple life] and basically the main motive for starting this blog). 
Since then I have been working in a little admin role while deciding (in my infinite wisdom) that I was going to jump on the not-so novel bandwagon of becoming a teacher. I've been lucky enough to work abroad (Québec, Canada-amazing place, everyone should go) in a Primary School and I though I loved that-I can do this! Fast forward an interview, and a very unexpected acceptance onto the PGCE course at my old university, a few hectic weeks of an impossible amount of work, meeting some incredibly funny people, a school placement and a personal revelation, teaching, while an extremely important and challenging profession (hats off to you PGCEers, NQT's and teachers out there-no clue how you do it) it wasn't what makes me happy. I quite like being a positive person and during this lapse in career-judgement, I was totally stressed out, sleep-deprived, snappy and out and out miserable-so a general bundle of joy for my family and friends. Don't get me wrong anyone thinking of doing or currently in the middle of a PGCE or SCITT programme, if it's truly what you want to be over anything else, you'll find the year a fantastic experience, it was just this dope who started it for the wrong reasons and allowed myself to be influenced by other people's opinions rather than my own instincts (those pesky instincts will get you in the end) of what I wanted to be. A mistake I will not be repeating. 

Anyways to cut a long story not- so short-I decided that as much as I hated the idea of not finishing something I'd started, nothing was worth being unhappy and miserable all the time (just plain exhausting not to mention the grey hair) so I decided not to hate life and have since withdrawn from my course to try and pursue what I want to do. I don't actually have a clue what that is yet, but doing work that makes you happy has got to be start. 

So basically, at the age of 25, I'm back to square one career-wise but knowing it's on my terms and liberal amounts of prosecco and time to spend on the little blue wall project and writing this blog, makes  things more fun! So if you've read this far people, firstly well done (it was a bit on the wordy side) and secondly I'll leave you with the words of a freakishly clever Bob Marley, who as it happens, had it right all along- "Don't worry, be happy"! Thanks for reading!