Therefore on that note: I hope everyone had a marvellous Christmas and New Year. My own experiences included working non-stop over the hectic period in a madly busy book store. I started working in Waterstones as a Xmas temp (very luckily I'm still there), I also threw caution to the winds in the eating department and inserted myself wholeheartedly in the over-eating season! (I swear at one point, I was actually stuffing my face while wondering
"what am I doing, I'm not even hungry, oh well" (thus continues stuffing face).
Also as a result of very generous Christmas/Birthday presents over December, my list of 'need to read' books has increased and is now longer than both my arms put together! My current book of choice is Cecelia Ahern's Time of my Life. Next on the hit list are:
1) Kathryn Stockett's The Help (Have wanted to read this for agesssss, also saw the film while in the US in October and LOVED IT!
2) F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (sooooo excited that Carey Mulligan's signed on to do this as I think she's great!)
3) Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (I read the sample of this on my kindle and it definitely had me intrigued, now I need to know what's all this donor malarky? )
The list could and does go on and on and on and on and .... well you get the picture, but if anyone has any book recommendations please let me know as I seem to be addicted to adding to this 'need to read' obsession! Plus it would fit in with my not-so original new year's resolution to 'read more books' this year.
Other New Year's Resolutions:
- Continue with Little Blue Wall room transformation and general Nautical obsession! (who doesn't need more seaside in their life, I ask you)
- Continue with this blog
- Read more books
- Sort out life (at some point, in some form-open to suggestions)
- Hit the slopes (While living in Québec the weekend activity of choice was skiing as there was a ski resort opposite the school where I worked, I miss it sooooooooo much!)
I think that's quite enough to be getting on with for now. Sorry for mammoth post! Wishing everyone lots of luck with their resolutions and a very happy January!