Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Driftwood tree all dressed up!

P.s The Guardian of the Tree!

A Driftwood Christmas

Hi Everyone. Happy Tuesday!
Just thought I would share the latest in the beach hut conversion saga. I forgot to mention in my New Year's Post any presents which is very silly as I also had my 25th birthday over the Christmas holidays (23rd) and I was incredibly lucky to receive some fabulous gifts from my unbelievably generous family and friends. Some of these were little stars on the room decorating front so thought I would share one of my absolute favourites and something I've wanted for agesssssssssss!

A Driftwood Christmas Tree!
This was the incredible Birthday/Christmas present from my brother. I have wanted one of these for soooo long ever since I saw one in a Country Sampler magazine years ago. However I had no idea where to even begin looking for one. Then while on holiday in the US (Fort Myers) I actually came across one! It was only $14 so about £11. £11!!! I actually couldn't believe it. Has anyone noticed how insanely expensive driftwood is in the UK! Anyway I was truly gutted that I couldn't get it as it would never survive the plane journey. It was so delicate and kind of big so begrudgingly I was forced to put it back on the shelf (sob!). Anyway on my return, I was determined to find one back home especially as I'd come so close to owning one. I think it was around November when I was trawling the internet for things to buy with imaginary money (as you do) and came across
http://www.buythesea-bymail.co.uk/ (Def take a peek and dream)
Now if you love anything nautical/beach-related/seaside-vibed then the chances are you'll already have heard of this site but if not, it's a company based in Somerset and they comb their local beaches and make fantastic and I do mean INCREDIBLE beach-inspired products. And best of all, they had my tree. I had sent my brother a link to the smaller (and slightly cheaper one) on facebook so can't tell you how EXCITED I was to open it up and find the bigger one!

They are still sooooo much more expensive to buy in the UK than in the US but I just can't stop smiling when I look at it!